Violin Tuition in Chichester

Violin Tuition in Chichester

Violin Tuition in Chichester

I offer Violin tuition in Chichester for individuals of all ages and abilities. Whether you are a complete beginner, intermediate or advanced level, I can help you improve your violin technique and overall level of performance. I have had years of experience providing excellent violin tuition in Chichester.

I have a Licentiate Diploma in Higher Education Music as well as a Masters in Music Advanced Performance. I have performed worldwide and have taken part in several prestigious international festivals. I have also had master classes and played with a number of famous Violinists, Quartets and professionals.

I enjoy sharing my knowledge of violin and use my comprehensive experience in orchestral and solo playing to help teach a highly technical and motivated style. At the same time, I understand the need to keep a balance between high growth value performance and enjoyment of the music. Therefore my violin lessons are always focused but also fun which is why I offer violin tuition for mixed ages and abilities.

I currently provide private violin tuition sessions to a range of people in Chichester including: university students, professionals and amateur violinists. On top of being a Concert Master, leading Symphony and Chamber Orchestras, I am also a guest lecturer at the University of Chichester providing tuition to students and delivering workshops to young talented students and enthusiastic musicians.

Exam Preparation

I also offer private violin tuition for individuals looking to take grades and have an enviable track record of success with all of my students passing. This is due to the fact that I ensure every student is fully prepared and comfortable before taking their exam which is why they perform so very well.


I provide private violin tuition from my home in Chichester which has parking available. It is very close to the city centre of Chichester and therefore very easy to get to. I am also happy to travel to students houses if required.

Violin Tuition Prices

My prices for private Violin tuition in Chichester are:

  • £25 per half an hour lesson
  • £32.50 per three quarter hour lesson
  • £40 per 1 hour lesson

Get in Touch

If you would like to learn the violin and you live in Chichester, please get in touch with me online, email me or complete the short contact form below:

Excellent private violin tuition in Chichester for all ages and abilities.
5 based on 16 reviews
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